Sunday, March 02, 2008

Redoing the flower bed

We've hauled out all the weeds and most of the old weed cloth, and pulling up the drip irrigation system revealed a couple of leaks in it; now, with some new sprinkler spikes and the leaks fixed, we're just about ready to plunk down some new plants. Waiting until this week's risk of freeze is past, though.

My plans are to install more roses and daylilies this spring, as well as the tasty herbs and two sweet olives. I think I will also experiment with a crinum and some sternbergia lutea, for blooms in October and green leaves all winter. For fall planting, I see I am already too late to get French Roman hyacinths, but I will certainly try to lay in some drifts of Dutch iris and at least a couple dozen more Grand Primo narcissus, the best little jonquil on the planet (for my garden, at least).

In fact, I might be able to get my GPs by dividing the thick double clump I have now. The Master Gardeners say you're supposed to, to help 'em along. If you do it when the leaves start to yellow (but leave the foliage intact), then that should be right around April or May for my guys.

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