Sunday, September 14, 2008

Simple composter

Just saw an HGTV show that described an extremely simple composter that could fit in the back corner of our yard. He described a 3x3 wire cube that you just set on the ground and fill with layers "like a lasagna."

Twigs on the bottom provide for some air circulation
Brown and green leaves, clippings, etc. provides leaf mold, carbon and nitrogen
A shake of blood meal accelerates decomposition
Water it till all is about like a damp sponge.

Also he showed these biodegradable bags, which I found online in Gardener's Supply Co.'s beguilingly named "Compost Accessories" section, into which you can put all your green/planty kitchen bits (but no fatty foods or meats) and just toss the whole bag into the composter. A little online digging reveals there's no need for the expensive ceramic crock unless you want its carbon filter to control the smell. Just toss the bags more often, is what I say.

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