Monday, April 03, 2006

First roses: April 1

Two years makes it official: The end of March brings the first roses. Double Delight actually began blooming Saturday (April 1) and here is the little florist bouquet I was just able to go out and cut! (They are Double Delight, McCartney Rose, Pristine. Scents are, respectively, fruity, perfumey and faint tea; colors are pretty accurate except the Pristine does not appear at all yellow -- pure clear white with a pink blush. The substance of its petals is also noteworthy.)

Apricot Nectar and Don Juan are also open, and the rest all have buds except for the new Moonstone. Conditions have been rainy and warm (for March, not for summer). There is an onset of bugs for which I will spray tomorrow, but the first roses are all perfectly formed.

Last weekend I planted two new evacuees from the Home Depot: Sonia and Kordes Perfecta. Neither is too happy right now from the transplanting -- new growth has wilted.

EVERYONE needs substantial water and more care as the weather heats up and the bugs get really settled in.

The volunteer rose is a single spike -- but it's 2 1/2 feet tall and stretching every day!

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